Summer is starting to fade and back to school is upon us. Cut to the Staples commercial with the mom dancing through the isles singing “its the best time of the year”, remember that one?! Although this can be one of the toughest transitions we face during the summer it is also exciting. Prepping for back to school can cause …
Anxiety Can Have A Name, But It Isn’t Your Identity
Often my clients who suffer from anxiety, have struggled to learn how to cope effectively, because they think it is permanent. They feel, for a variety of reasons, this is who they are, like it’s a life sentence they were given from the universe. Anxiety can have a name but it isn’t yours. Today I want to share a …
Codependency and Relationships
Codependency is a huge relationship barrier for many people, and often one that is difficult to identify within ourselves. As you begin to read and learn more about the concept and how it applies to you, the ability to change the behavior and repair relationships with come easily. In this post we are going to discuss the concept of …
Setting Healthy Boundaries
Boundaries are everywhere! In sports, the field or court has a boundary you must stay in, when driving the lanes are clearly defined borders, and in relationships there are lines we must walk. Boundaries are necessary to establish and maintain any type of healthy relationship, whether with your parents, coworkers, children, or spouse. Recently our church did an amazing five part …
Managing Emotions with Aromatherapy
Guest Post By Chanda Bloom Have you ever inhaled a scent that instantly takes you back to a special memory? Maybe the smell of baking cookies takes you back to Christmas time with your grandmother, or the smell of certain flowers remind you of a warm spring day. These examples show the powerful relationship between your brain and your …