Neurofeedback Therapy

Better Brain Performance and Stress Relief

Neurofeedback therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment approved by the FDA. 

Designed to increase your emotional resilience so you can handle life’s stressors. 

Ready to get started?

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During a neurofeedback session, sensors are placed on the scalp to monitor brainwave patterns - (representing the electrical activity in different regions of the brain).

When the brain produces patterns associated with focus, relaxation, or other desirable states, the individual receives positive feedback through visual or auditory cues.

This feedback helps the brain recognize its own activity and encourages the production of healthier patterns.

Over time, with consistent training, the brain learns to regulate itself more effectively, leading to improved mental well-being.

In simpler terms, neurofeedback is like a brain workout.

Your brain learns to achieve optimal functioning patterns and release old, stuck patterns that contribute to negative mental health symptoms.

By providing feedback when your brain is performing well, it learns to maintain those positive states independently. 

You feel more focused, calm, and better equipped to handle everyday challenges.

A fun workout for your brain

Is Neurofeedback Therapy Right For You?

Do you: 

Struggle with ADHD or attention issues and are ready to own your symptoms & create new behaviors

Experience anxiety and stress

Desire to have better focus and concentration

Find it difficult to sleep well - either sleeping too much or too little - waking up feeling groggy & exhausted.

Struggle to regulate your emotions but you don’t necessarily need immediate intervention. 

Struggle with mild to moderate depression

Acknowledge the need to utilize other calming techniques while Neurofeedback is healing your brain on the back end. 

Understand that healing is never a quick fix

Agree that you are NOT in active addiction and are 100% committed to behavioral change.  

Want to make a commitment to yourself to consistently show up to your neurofeedback sessions. 

how it works

Getting Started

Initial Evaluation

The initial evaluation will begin with a EEG Brain Map to identify which parts of your brain are causing symptoms like anxiety, depression, ADD, insomnia, and PTSD. 

One-Hour Written Assessment

You will also complete a one-hour written assessment to compare with your EEG Brain Map and confirm the results.

Go Over The Results

We will go over these results and give you a clear understanding of your brain.

Start Training

A personalized neurofeedback treatment plan will be created and uploaded to your home training device. 

You can train on your own schedule in the comfort of your home (even if you are traveling!)

The Connection Between Neurofeedback and Trauma Healing

Neurofeedback can help heal the brain from trauma by fixing problems in brain activity caused by traumatic experiences.

Trauma can disrupt how the brain normally works, making it harder to handle emotions, remember things, and feel well overall.

Neurofeedback can reduce symptoms like always feeling on edge or overly alert, which are common in people who have experienced trauma. 

This leads to better emotional strength and a healthier way to handle stress.

While neurofeedback isn't the only treatment needed for trauma, it can work well alongside other therapies, helping the brain heal and improving overall well-being.

Learn More About Neurofeedback

The program

Brain Stimulation

It is recommended that you train 3-4 times a week for 20-30 minute sessions. 

This amount of training helps your brain learn new patterns quickly without overtraining… which may cause problems like headaches and agitation.

However, since every brain is unique, we will adjust your training schedule and plan based on how you respond.

What To Expect

Each month, we will meet one-on-one to review your progress and see how you're responding to the training. 

I will explain your neurofeedback results and let you know what to expect in the next round of training.

It is a simple response and reward system that is highly effective, safe and can be trained on any age and cognitive level with high success rates if completed correctly.

Most clients leave sessions feeling relaxed and more calm than they do walking into a session… similar to how you feel after acupuncture or a light massage.

Neurofeedback can also be used to buffer the intensity of difficult side effects of medication, and some clients use it to complement their medication. 

Neurofeedback should not be used as a replacement for medication (as it does not work on the brain in the same way). Do not stop or change any medications or other medical treatments without consulting your physician.

While there are technologies that are highly effective involving brain stimulation (MERT, TMS, etc) neurofeedback DOES NOT stimulate the brain. 

The program

Brain Stimulation

On average Neurofeedback clients report a 30-70% decrease in self-reported symptoms by the end of their Neurofeedback program. 

Schedule a FREE Consultation →

Is Neurofeedback Right For You?

If you are seeking long-term symptom relief and improved quality of life download now.

Benefits of At Home Neurofeedback Treatment

Safe and 100% non-invasive

Sessions are brief and can fit into a busy schedule

Conscious effort or attention to stimuli not required

Rapid and long lasting results compared to traditional therapy

Treatment is 100% Remote - goes wherever you go

Medication Free - for those who prefer to not to use pharmaceuticals

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